Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Matthew Kennedy; Nancy Rocheleau; Ken Strom; Michael Scott; Leonard Anderson; Robert Lowell;
Members Absent: Anthony Costello
Staff Present: Cynthia Smith
Others: Dan Leahy - CB Blair Development; George Kiritsy Esq. - C.B. Blair; Scott Dupre Clear Water Environmental; Chris McClure - Trifone Design Associates, Inc.; Joyce Stark; John Stark Jr.; Harriet Stark; Cheryl & Joseph Finnegan;
The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.
NOI 2339 Main St. - Scott Dupre was present. The applicant needs to move the well away from the wetland and position it somewhere so that it is out of the driveway area. N. Rocheleau visited the site and noted that the well has already been installed. The haybales that are shown on the plan exist only up to wetland flag #5. She also noted that the driveway is dirt and vegetation, not gravel. There is also a stagnant stream between wetland flag # 4 and #5. M. Kennedy wants sedimentation erosion controls placed closer to the work area. N. Rocheleau moved to close the hearing and R. Lowell seconded. The vote was unanimous.
NOI 460 & 464 Malden St. - Chris McClure was present. An ANRAD was filed on this property earlier and Chris is proposing revisions to the ANRAD plan on 464 Malden. These properties are shown as Lots 1 & 2 on the ANRAD plan. The lots have town water and will need their own septic systems. Chris noted that the lots are flat and have high ground water. The grading will be around 50' - 57' from the wetland. A perimeter drain will discharge to daylight. Joyce Stark, abutter, wanted to know in what direction the water would drain from the raised system. Chris stated that the system would be about three feet above the existing grade. M. Kennedy said that he should create a swale so that the water is not directed towards the abutter's property but rather toward the wetlands. Lot 47 needs to have revisions to the
plan and was continued to August 2nd. N. Rocheleau moved to close the meeting on Lot 46 and L. Anderson seconded. The vote was unanimous.
NOI 45 Autumn Cir. - Cheryl & Joseph Finnegan were present and stated that they had filed a NOI in 2000 that included having a pool installed. That NOI had expired and a new filing was required. R. Lowell asked that if a fence was to be installed if a 6" high barrier could be added to keep frogs etc. from getting to the pool. There is no backwash on this type of pool. Any draw down from the pool will be discharged into the sewer and not to the wetlands. The haybale line needs to be replaced before any work can begin. R. Lowell moved to close the hearing and N. Rocheleau seconded. The vote was unanimous.
NOI Alden Woods - George Kiritsy and Dan Leahy were present. M. Kennedy wanted to know if a more detailed engineered plan had been submitted. He noted that the stormwater hydrology report was incomplete. He wants to know how the system will meet the DEP stormwater policies, especially water quality and how the system was sized. The present plan also does not account for all impervious areas. This case was continued to August 2nd.
NOI 11 Courtney - Continued to Aug 2nd.
NOI Cloudcroft Estates - The applicant has asked the Commission to accept the withdrawal of his application. R. Lowell moved to accept the withdrawal of this NOI. K. Strom seconded and vote was unanimous.
COC 836 Salisbury St. - K. Strom continued this to the Aug. 2nd meeting as he needs more information.
Vernal Pool Certification - The Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program has officially certified two vernal pools off of Howard Street in Holden. Anthony Costello was instrumental in collecting the data for these certifications.
Minutes - N. Rocheleau moved to accept the minutes of June 7, 2006. K. Strom seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Orders of Conditions
2339 Main St. - K. Strom moved to issue an OOC with 2 special conditions. 1. Revised plans showing sedimentation erosion controls closer to the work area shall be submitted and approved by the Board or its agent before any work commences. 2. A vegetated surface, such as a seed mix that is approved by the Board or its agent, shall be planted from the 90° contour line and northward. R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.
460 Malden St. - M. Scott moved to issue a standard OOC. R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.
45 Autumn Cir. - N. Rocheleau moved to issue an OOC with two special conditions. 1. Sedimentation erosion controls will be re-established. 2. Any discharge from the filtration system or pool will be discharged into the sanitary sewer system. R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.
M. Scott moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10p.m. and K. Scott seconded. The vote was unanimous.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 2, 2006